Articles à paraître


Raphaël Danchin

« On the decay and Gevrey regularity of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in general two-dimensional domains» (13 pages)


Matilde Manzaroli

« Existence obstructions for separating morphisms and totally real pencils» (10 pages)


Paul Laurain, Romain Petrides

«Asymptotics for minimizers of the Ginzburg-Landau energy with optimal regularity of the boundary data and applications» (37 pages)


Aymeric Baradat, Elias Ventre

« Convergence of the sinkhorn algorithm when the Schrodinger probem has no solution» (54 pages)


Rudy Dissler

« Relative Trisections of Fiber Bundles over the Circle» (29 pages)


Quentin Berger, Matthias Birkner and Linglong Yuan

« Collective vs. individual behaviour for sums of i.i.d. random variables: appearance of the one-big-jump phenomenon» (54 pages)


Ryokichi Tanaka

« Non-noise sensitivity for word hyperbolic groups» (18 pages)


Hong-Bin CHEN, Jiaming XIA

« Hamilton-Jacobi equations with monotone nonlinearities on convex cone» (29 pages)


Richard A. P. Birkett

« On the stabilisation of rational surface map» (14 pages)


Michael Cuntz, Flavien Mabilat

« Comptage des quiddités sur les corps finis et sur quelques anneaux $\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}$»  (32 pages)


Matthew Rosenzweig, Sylvia Serfaty

« Modulated logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and generation of chaos» (19 pages)


André De Laire, Philippe Gravejat, Didier Smets

« Minimizing travelling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation on $\mathbb{R} X \mathbb {T}$» (47 pages)


Benjamin Boutin, Pierre Le Barbenchon, Nicolas Seguin

« Stabiblity of finite difference schemes for the hyperbolic initial boundary value problem by winding number computations» (22 pages)


Baptiste Devyver, Emmanuel Russ

« Reverse inequality for the Riesz transforms on Riemannian manifolds» (31 pages)


Michel Benaïm , Claude Lobry, Tewk Sari,  Édouard Strickler

« A note on the top Lyapunov exponent of linear cooperative systems» (17 pages)


Pierre Monmarché

« A note on a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation with non-symmetric interaction» (15 pages)


Olivier Poisson

« Spectral analysis of the discrete Maxwell operator: the Limiting Absorption Principle» (50 pages)


Guy David , Antoine Gloria, Svitlana Mayboroda 

« The landscape function on $\R^d$ » (18 pages)


Yuta Watanabe

« Nakano-Nadel type, Bogomolov-Sommese type vanishing and singular dual Nakano semi-positivity» (40 pages)


Renaud Detcherry

« Non-semisimple quantum invariants and abelian classical shadows» (16 pages)


Antoine Benoit

« Geometric optics expansions for quarter-space boundary value problems III: glancing modes and multiple self-interaction» (57 pages)


Pierre-Antoine Giorgi, Maxime Hauray

« Well-posedness of a 2D gyrokinetic model with equal Debye length and Larmor radius» (29 pages)


Kévin Le Balc’h, Jérémy Martin

« Global stabilization of the cubic defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the torus» (26 pages)


Andrei Teleman

« Holomorphic bundles framed along a real hypersurface and the Riemann-Hilbert problem»  (53 pages)


Takafumi Matsumoto

« Moduli space of rank three logarithmic connections on the projective line with three poles»  (54 pages)


Yabreb Egueh, Karim Kellay, Mohamed Zarrabi

« Cyclicity in Besov-Dirichlet spaces from the Corona Theorem»  (12 pages)


Frédéric Hélein

« Gauge and Gravity theories on a dynamical principal bundle»  (90 pages)


Louis-Pierre Chaintron

« Existence and global Lipschitz estimates for unbounded classical solutions of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation»  (25 pages)


Suren Poghosyan, Hans Zessin

« Once more the Central Limit Theorem for the particle number of a Classical Gas»  (14 pages)


Victor Issa

« Uniqueness of semi-concave weak solutions for Hamilton-Jacolbi equations»  (17 pages)


Quentin Gendron, Guillaume Tahar

« K-différentielles à singularités prescrites»  (44 pages)


Luc Pirio

« On the 10-web by conics on the quartic del pezzo surface»  (100 pages)


Blake J. Boudreaux

« T-Polynomial convexity and holomorphic convexity»  (11 pages)


Liana Heuberger, Andrea Petracci

« On K-moduli of fano threefolds with degree 28 and Picard rank 4»  (20 pages)


Hironobu Naoe, Masaki Ogawa

« Shadow-complexity and trisection genus»  (28 pages)


Alexis Roquefeuil

« Quantum K-theory and confluence of q-difference equations»  (50 pages)


Thomas Normand

« Spectral analysis of a semiclassical random walk associated to a general confining potential»  (35 pages)


Vincent Humilière, Alexandre Jannaud, Rémi Leclercq

« Essential loops of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms»  (23 pages)


Victoria Garcıa

« Horocyclic and geodesic orbits on geometrically infinite surfaces with variable negative curvature»  (23 pages)


Max Fathi

« Growth estimate on optimal transport maps via concentration inequalities»  (10 pages)


David Aldous, Guillaume Blanc, Nicolas Curien

« The distance problem on measured metric spaces»  (21 pages)


Dmitry Golovaty, Petru Mironescu and Peter Sternberg

« Towards an asymptotic analysis of the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau model»  (53 pages)


Manon Costa, Pascal Maillard, Anthony Muraro

« Stability of discrete-time Hawkes process with inhibition: towards a general condition»  (25 pages)


Yohan Mandin-Hublé

« A three-manifold invariant from graph configuration»  (28 pages)


Emeric Bouin, Jérôme Coville, Guillaume Legendre

« Sharp exponent of acceleration in general nonlocal equations with a weak Allee effect»  (48 pages)


Timothy Gowers, Freddie Manners, Terence Tao

« Marton's conjecture in Abelian groups with bounded torsion»  (33 pages)


Indranil Biswas, Sorin Dumitrescu

« Holomorphic foliations with no transversely projective structure»  (22 pages)


Thomas Gauthier

« Good height functions on quasi-projective varieties: equidistribution and applications in dynamics»  (40 pages)


Noriyuki Otsubo, Takao Yamazaki

« Motivic Gauss and Jacobi sums»  (40 pages)


Yibo Zhang

« Classification of torus fibrations over $S^2$ up to fibre sum stabilisation»  (85 pages)


Arnaud Debussche, Martina Hofmanov´

« Rough analysis of two scale systems»  (32 pages)


Alain J. Valette

« Amenable actions of real and $p$-adic algebraic groups»  (7 pages)


Jean Renault

« Appendix to "Amenable actions of real and $p$-adic algebraic groups"»  (3 pages)


Nick Edelen, Aaron Naber, Daniele Valtorta

« Rectifiable Reifenberg and uniform positivity under almost calibrations»  (11 pages)


Sergey G. Bobkov, Friedrich Götze

« Quantified Cramér-Wold continuity theorem for the Kantorovitch transport distance»  (11 pages)


Thomas Blomme, Victoria Schleis

« Tropical Möbius strips and ruled surfaces»  (40 pages)


Kristian P. Evans,  Niels Jacob

« Non-local generators of Dirichlet forms in “divergence form” in an $L^p$-setting and monotone operators in the sense of Browder and Minty»  (36 pages)


Tom Ferragut

« Geodesics and visual boundary of horospherical products»  (41 pages)


Yoshinori Hashimoto

« Erratum to the paper “Mapping properties of the Hilbert and Fubini–Study maps in Kähler geometry”»  (2 pages)


Pierre Monmarché

« Uniform log-Sobolev inequalities for mean field particles beyond flat-convexity»  (19 pages)


Gérard Ben Arous, Pax Kivimae

« The Free Energy of the Elastic Manifold»  (82 pages)


Yvain Bruned, Foivos Katsetsiadis

« Geometric embedding for regularity structures»  (27 pages)